A Warrior Calls

Case #16 – Aron Leyshon

Warrior Aron


Shown on January 9th LIVE STREAM – Global Fraud occurring by BAR members.
December 19 2022 – Tacit Agreement Redacted

JAN. 9th 2022 LIVE STREAM Pt 1 – Aussie Courts & BAR / Corruption Exposed


Below are the transcripts and a short description from each appearance as titled:

1… 1st appearance: Lisa claims i am her property.
2… 2nd appearance: Lisa outright keeps interrupting me when I am speaking and when I read my notice of non-consent she adjourns and orders me to be ejected from the courthouse (omitted from the transcript), then resumes her court in order to pass orders for a hearing date in September.
3… 3rd appearance: (audio) Lisa once again ignores me, adjourns until June 1st 2023 and threatens me with a custodial sentence.

March 1st 2022 – 1st appearance

April 19 2022 – 2nd appearance

September 8 2022 – 3rd appearance


Audio: Only the first half is on audio which shows what was said after the adjournment when they cut the recording. In the second half they had the sheriff try to distract Aron and they tampered with the transcript by omitting key things he had said that challenged Lisa’s jurisdiction and presumed authority. Aron accepted none of Lisa’s claims and challenged (objected) every presumption and assertion she made…

THE Audio recording

