A Warrior Calls

Documents Filed in US

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 1

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 2

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 3

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 4

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 5

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 6

The Engineering of Bioterrorism, Child Trafficking, Treason and The Crime of Aggression Update 7

Exhibit A Charleston South Carolina Events and Related US Events

Exhibit B Kaysha Richardson’s I-140 Documentation

Exhibit C Enemies of The United States Operating in Canada



Email Communications Are Below…


From: *****@dsrkarisconsulting.com

Sent: November 2, 2022 10:38 PM

To: CARegistrar@sasklawcourts.ca; patriciam@matrixlawgroup.ca; reception@matrixlawgroup.ca; ceisner@mcdougallgauley.com; jessica.karam@justice.gc.ca; Erin.Spray@justice.gc.ca; justin.stevenson@gov.sk.ca

Cc: Emily.Price@cas-satj.gc.ca; law.reception@calgary.ca; reception@matrixlawgroup.ca; colleen.sinclair@calgary.ca; emily.price@cas-satj.gc.ca; hlaing@mcdougallgauley.com; m.stack@mckercher.ca; vthomson@owzw.com; bcomba@emeryjamieson.com; Paula.Safadi@albertacourts.ca; carolinsask@yahoo.ca; cgosadchuk92@sasktel.net; chadrick.carley@syngenta.com; ciprianbolah@gmail.com; cscarley@sasktel.net; dollyse13@gmail.com; donmvsb@icloud.com; eddieg@sasktel.net; elysyshyn@hotmail.com; guizz4bel@gmail.com; hebertkim@hotmail.com; holmlaw@sasktel.net; j.wright@sasktel.net; jhydukewich16@gmail.com; kcarley1@blackberry.net; barbcarley@icloud.com; bcgleason@earthlink.net; beningerlena@hotmail.ca; cadubyna@gmail.com; carleyc@sasktel.net; president@gc.adventist.org; sdannuc@gmail.com; gfernroger01@hotmail.com; info@contact.adventist.org; info@nadadventist.org; communication@adventist.ca; mhylton@mansaskadventist.ca; clindberg@mansaskadventist.ca; swall@mansaskadventist.ca; carbeau@mansaskadventist.ca; ababida@mansaskadventist.ca; dbaker@mansaskadventist.ca; mbartley@mansaskadventist.ca; rbiscaro@mansaskadventist.ca; fcela@mansaskadventist.ca; jdavila@mansaskadventist.ca; sdixon@mansaskadventist.ca; tguderyan@mansaskadventist.ca; jkim@mansaskadventist.ca; alennon@mansaskadventist.ca; smanly@mansaskadventist.ca; emanzanares@mansaskadventist.ca; rmarshall@mansaskadventist.ca; rmena@mansaskadventist.ca; holiphant@mansaskadventist.ca; dpereira@mansaskadventist.ca; lpoama@mansaskadventist.ca; ltilihoi@mansaskadventist.ca; gali@albertaadventist.ca; aalvir@albertaadventist.ca; rferary@albertaadventist.ca; ghodder@albertaadventist.ca; wwilliams@albertaadventist.ca; lwilton@albertaadventist.ca; familyministries@albertaadventist.ca; acs@albertaadventist.ca; presidential@adventist.ca; anderson.cathy@adventist.ca; page.campbell@adventist.ca; guarin-adap.chris@adventist.ca; mackintosh.grace@adventist.ca; keys.tina@adventist.ca; ainzee3@hotmail.com; a.hydukewich@gmail.com; arlenk@xplornet.ca; bmgilbert92@gmail.com; barbcarley@icloud.com; bcgleason@earthlink.net; beningerlena@hotmail.ca; bkwon3004@gmail.com; cadubyna@gmail.com; carleyc@sasktel.net; cgosadchuk92@sasktel.net; chadrick.carley@syngenta.com; cscarley@sasktel.net; handdkivimaa@sasktel.net; d.lund@sasktel.net; dollyse13@gmail.com; donmvsb@icloud.com; elysyshyn@hotmail.com; g.lund@sasktel.net; guizz4bel@gmail.com; janoyany@hotmail.com; j.wright@sasktel.net; jkwon@mansaskadventist.ca; jaysonalvarez017@yahoo.com; jenbakos2013@hotmail.ca; jhydukewich16@gmail.com; jimrogersrce@gmail.com; kcarley1@blackberry.net; j_harris07@hotmail.com; laghbo@gmail.com; laxdal52@hotmail.com; mcbean32@me.com; wgeates@sasktel.net; lyle_williams@hotmail.com; mysha393@gmail.com; mazel@sasktel.net; mieke_williams@hotmail.com; nursebear16@gmail.com; ooica15@gmail.com; geerdtsfamily@sasktel.net; luvme@sasktel.net; rhoda624@yahoo.com; ve5tnt@yahoo.com; rondi_a_kapiniak@hotmail.com; ruby_ann_22@msn.com; s.beninger@hotmail.com; tiibred7@yahoo.com; sheilargut@hotmail.com; sagreenhough@hotmail.com; sboateng20@outlook.com; tatarynj@hotmail.com; thegoodlife@littleloon.ca; txc164@case.edu; tie454@hotmail.com; ve5lod@gmail.com; zwfriend@yahoo.com; mcollins@mansaskadventist.ca; jdavila@mansaskadventist.ca; jdavila@burmanu.ca; andly777@yahoo.com; rhbecker@littleloon.ca; betterliving2@sasktel.net; Isaacdarko@burmanu.ca; irali@shaw.ca; isaacdarko@burmanu.ca; hank.julie@sasktel.net; jmdesa70@gmail.com; dallasgareau@gmail.com; elahuc@sasktel.net; clintonwahl@hotmail.com; m.hwiebe@sasktel.net; rzoerb@yahoo.com; marallen@sasktel.net; orca@orcasound.ca; carlamae@orcasound.ca; smariebaker6532@gmail.com; capcarad@sasktel.net; jbergen.c@gmail.com; mark_bergen123@yahoo.com; wendygareau@gmail.com; pegisn2prosperity@yahoo.ca; hall11ry@uregina.ca; olson_retreathouse@hotmail.com; aimee_pockett@hotmail.com; rleebs@sasktel.net; joyceliebreich@hotmail.com; kluneng71@gmail.com; hemar@sasktel.net; aleisha.j.mazier@gmail.com; zuzumami@gmail.com; nursemickey@gmail.com; akothmolly@yahoo.com; james.oloo@alumni.uleth.ca; loisotte@gmail.com; aarron11@msn.com; rey_taker_555@hotmail.com; strawberry459@hotmail.com; lisapreb@icloud.com; ernie.proust@yahoo.com; akitrak@outlook.com; beamer072@yahoo.com; marjorittariddell@gmail.com; ednarogers28@gmail.com; rjsaccucci@hotmail.com; kerryphoto@gmail.com; lizzy.ss@shaw.ca; ruby.sparks@live.com; teresawahl1@hotmail.com; gatwak@sasktel.net; cicilialamunu@gmail.com; e.wani@hotmail.com; bacon-acres@hotmail.com; adamsmarilyn322@gmail.com; stebeng@yahoo.com; morenolina287@gmail.com; marnie.m.peart@gmail.com; boniffer@gmail.com; europroconcrete@gmail.com; evelynsefu@gmail.com; weszary@gmail.com; emaxi@mansaskadventist.ca; juanrobledo@txsda.org; tips@rebelnews.com; tips@GlobalTVBC.com; cbcnlinvestigates@cbc.ca


Subject: RE: Matter of National Security – Evidence of the Distribution of a Biological Weapon

Attachments: The Engineering of Bioterrorism CopyrightHow Engineering Identified the Staging Grounds Reported to the RCMP and FBI Copyright

To the Court,

There is the official record of the public nature of the crimes committed that is sitting in the copyright office in the library of US Congress. Make sure that the judges see the copyrights so that they are fully aware that the totality of the criminal activities are on the public record and that criminals in Canada are suppressing the information owned by a Delaware corporation.


That is a problem for you.

Kind regards,

Dale Richardson, B.TECH, MET, TT (AB), Associate (SK)
North Battleford, SK
Tel 000-000-0000


From: *****@dsrkarisconsulting.com

Sent: October 26, 2022 12:19 PM

To: harwell_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; norton_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gergel_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cain_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lewis_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hendricks_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; coggins_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lydon_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; dawson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; janderson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; herlong_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; currie_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; wooten_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; rogers_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gossett_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hodges_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; mcdonald_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; austin_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; west_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; baker_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cherry_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; intake_ecf_cola@scd.uscourts.gov

Subject: 18 U.S.C 3771 filing that contains Evidence of Treason Against the United States


My daughter who is the posterity of an American Indian is coming to the district court to bring her physical copies of the petitions attached to this email. Contained in the attached appendices are my credentials and appendix D is an engineering report pioneered by me and is owned under United States Copyright by DSR Karis North Consulting Inc. a Delaware Corporation. It outlines the engineering used to commit overt acts of treason against the United States of America. Contained with in the attached documentation is evidence that the Judiciary and the Department of Justice and other areas have been infiltrated by enemy agents and have attempted to assassinate me and my daughter and have tortured us both in Canada and in the United States. The contents of this transmittal will be provided to the Office of the director of National Intelligence, The Federal Bureau of Investigation and in Canada to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

This transmittal will also be provided to elected officials in both countries as well as media outlets whom I have already been in contact with. I personally spoke with the supervisor in the clerk’s office and informed him of his duty as an American citizen to report under article 3 section III of the Constitution of the United States. The responsibility to you all as Judges of the United States Federal Court is even greater than the average citizen by virtue of your position.

No court rule, or anything can be used to prevent the reporting of article 3 section III of the Constitution of the United States. Any action other than taking this motion up and determining it forthwith will constitute an overt act of treason and will be reported as such.

Furthermore, the executive order relating to foreign interference into US elections issued by President Donald J. Trump and extended by Joseph R. Biden applies to this as well.

Kaysha F.N. Richardson will be using the same appendices for her motion. When she arrives at the court have the clerk call me for further instructions with respect to my motion for relief.


Kind regards,

Dale Richardson, B.TECH, MET, TT (AB), Associate (SK)
North Battleford, SK



From: *****@dsrkarisconsulting.com

Sent: October 26, 2022 3:52 PM

To: harwell_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; norton_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gergel_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cain_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lewis_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hendricks_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; coggins_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lydon_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; dawson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; janderson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; herlong_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; currie_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; wooten_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; rogers_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gossett_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hodges_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; mcdonald_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; austin_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; west_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; baker_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cherry_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; intake_ecf_cola@scd.uscourts.gov

Subject: RE: 18 U.S.C 3771 filing that contains Evidence of Treason Against the United States


The clerk is refusing to issue the proof of payment and the receipt of the following file numbers that have purportedly been used to file the aforementioned documents you all received by email. Instruct the clerk to hand my daughter the evidence she has requested as the clerk is giving aide and comfort to the enemies of the untied states and will be reported to the proper authorities. The numbers given were as follows:


2:22-MC-00637 DCN-MHC


Instruct the Clerk to follow the law. Proof of payment must be given as well.


Kind regards,

Dale Richardson, B.TECH, MET, TT (AB), Associate (SK)
North Battleford, SK



From: *****@dsrkarisconsulting.com

Sent: October 26, 2022 4:27 PM

To: harwell_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; norton_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gergel_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cain_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lewis_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hendricks_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; coggins_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; lydon_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; dawson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; janderson_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; herlong_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; currie_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; wooten_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; rogers_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; gossett_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; hodges_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; mcdonald_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; austin_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; west_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; baker_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; cherry_ecf@scd.uscourts.gov; intake_ecf_cola@scd.uscourts.gov

Subject: RE: 18 U.S.C 3771 filing that contains Evidence of Treason Against the United States



This is to inform you that law enforcement is on the way and have been informed of the incident involving the intimidation and coercion that my daughter is experiencing attempting to file documents to the Court relating to treason. I will be reporting this to federal agencies in Canada in the United States. The media will also be informed.

This is treason occurring in your court. This is no way to treat any human being in any manner.

Kind regards,

Dale Richardson, B.TECH, MET, TT (AB), Associate (SK)
North Battleford, SK
